Welcome hOMe
This is your sacred place. The place you have been looking for in other people, place and things. So welcome hOMe to that which was NEVER not there. We just got tangled up along the way…
Sometimes whether we have worked through a 12 step program or not we still find ourselves STUCK IN THE FREQUENCY OF ADDICTION. Imagine a surgeon cutting out the cancer from a very diseased organ. Sometimes there are lingering cells, or the cancer has mysteriously migrated to another location in the body. This is DIS-EASE of any kind. DIS-EASE is an un ease in ones self.
SELF CANNOT SEE SELF so we need someone who can GUIDE us and help us to see and stay on or get back on track. This is a valuable investment in your well being and growth .
Do you need an accountability partner? Someone to help you identify the self sabotaging behaviors that stand in the way of you and your BEST version of YOU?
Do you even KNOW what it is that is blocking you?
Maybe you DO know yet you still continue that same behavior?
Do you seem to recycle the same problem over and over?
Do you experience times of hopelessness due to this sabotaging behavior?
Are you unsure of what to do to stop this cycle?
Do you want tools and a guide to help extract you from this repetitive behavior?
This one on one guidance session with Kimberly begins with a grounding and brain balancing meditation and breath work to begin to drop in and arrive. We then access what it is that has brought you here using a triage approach to uncover, discover and discard the clutter.
We clear the runway so the right planes can arrive.
I have designed three different levels for us to work and be together in this Spiritual Mentorship.
What this includes:


The Guide mentorship is for one who feels disciplined and ready for a re-boot and touchpoint to explore and expand their spiritual or physical asana practice. I would describe this person has already somewhat engaged and committed to a program but may have fallen off.
Weekly in person or ZOOM session
Custom Created program that includes 1 program item
Written and video self study - includes journaling exercises, other suggested practices.
Cost - $495/month
90 day commitment
The Way-shōwer program is designed to be of service to the person who is ready to commit to wholeness in expansion of Prayer, meditation and deeper understanding of the blocks that stand in the way of you and your highest version of self.
Here we will uncover, discover, and discard though embodiment practices along with a tangible daily structure that helps you to create consistency repetition and discipline.
Weekly In-person / ZOOM session
Custom Created Program that includes up to two program items
Twice weekly accountability check in by phone/text.
Written and Video Self Study
Cost - $745 /month
90 day commitment

The Ascend program is for the person who is done f$%ing around with their own bull@#&!. How many times are we going to commit. Are you ready for change? Are you really ready to step in to your power? We have to commit to a daily practice and I will keep you accountable to it. This is not a hard core hit the gym, starve yourself, take away all pleasure kind of program. This is a perspective shift, a spiritual awakening that we will go through together. I will be with you every step of the way.
Are you ready?
Twice weekly in person or ZOOM sessions
Custom Created that includes up to three program items
Daily accountability check ins via phone or text
On demand coaching to push through when “stuck.”
Cost - $920 /month
90 day commitment
Deep Dive
This is for the person who cannot commit! I get it! If you want to go deep and check in at heart level we can do this in a capsule deep dive intensive Zoom or In Person session.
This one on one guidance session with Kimberly begins with a grounding and brain balancing meditation and breath work to begin to drop in and arrive. We then access what it is that has brought you here using a triage approach to uncover, discover and discard the clutter.
This process will drop you in quickly, and we will get down to the heart matters so that we can uncover and process. You will leave the season feeling higher aligned with your true nature and ready to move forward.
1 session 90 minutes Deep Dive — Intensive - $330